Dark Flame (The Immortals #4) by Alyson Noel | Teen Ink

Dark Flame (The Immortals #4) by Alyson Noel

October 18, 2017
By Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
293 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

Ever and Damen are soul mates. Time after time again, Damen found her, only to have Ever killed by his ex-wife, Drina, before they could seal the deal. Before Damen met Ever, he was selfish, fully content living his immortal life to the extreme, with not a care in the world. He thought of nothing of the other children he made immortal, only his wife, Drina who shared the same selfish power driven ego that he had. When Ever showed up, that all changed, Damen started to become a better person, something Drina could not stand. Even though Damen was getting in the way of Ever and Jude, he knew that he was meant to be with Ever. This time thing are different. Ever is now immortal (thanks to Damen) so if she dies this time, there are no more retries. With Drina out of the way, Roman is out for revenge, making sure that Ever and Damen never seal the deal by making their skin toxic to the other.

Ever knew she was meant to be with Damen, but that does not mean she stopped thinking about Jude, and Roman for that matter. Roman, the man Ever wanted to do her bidding, but accidently bonded herself to him. now she has an uncontrollable urge to be near him, to be with him, physically and mentally. Ever is a puppy without her master, and is trying desperately to make sure Damen does not find out what is going on with her. Worst yet, Ever has to come face to face with what she did to Haven. Haven, who claims herself as Roman girlfriend, is overjoyed with the prospect of being an immortal, the forever beauty, fitting in, she begins to love the new her. Ever and Damen try to warn Haven about the downsides, but with Roman as her sidekick, Haven is preparing to live life like Roman, and not in the shadows like Damen. Ever, ignoring all her Damen and Haven drama, knew the one thing that was standing between her and Damen was Roman. Going behind Damen’s back, Ever tries different tactics to get Roman to give her the antidote, most of which that failed. Going back to her good girl roots, Ever knew which way to get to Roman, which involves learning about his past, why he became this way, a path that makes her rekindle old flames, both the good and the bad.

Alyson Noel has trapped us in this romantic tale of immortal lovers, who only wish they can be together… physically, as that is the only way Noel has us to believe that their love can be true. Sure we all want to bang our boyfriend or girlfriend, as that is the human instinct and how there came to be seven billion of us running the globe. You would think that Damen, being over 400-year-old, would learn that sex is not the way to a girl’s heart? But clearly, he has the same idea as Ever, as the sooner as they can get the antidote, the sooner they can bang, thus making their love truly real. Ever is steadily falling into the category of girls whose entire problems would be solved if they just told their boyfriends what was going on, but they never do, starting this whole cycle of lying and going behind their other’s back, until everything get so messed up that they reveal everything to their boy in their end.  The only thing that kept this book going was Roman, the “bad guy” with his unpredictable ways, who is truly just here for the ride. With a shock ending that will leave you speechless, Ever and Damen are clearly not done as they fight even harder now to keep their love intact.

The author's comments:

Just tell your boyfriend and everything will be fine! 


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