Book Thief by Mark Zusak | Teen Ink

Book Thief by Mark Zusak

February 16, 2012
By IizFrozen SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
IizFrozen SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
5 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Its not how deep you fish~<br /> ~Its the motion of the ocean~<br /> <br /> ~I hope to die like my grandfather who died in his sleep~<br /> ~and not like the pasengers in his car who went screaming~

The Book Thief begins where some books never tread. Nazi Germany. Death, your guide and narrator, takes you through the tragic story of the Book Thief.
The story follows Liesel as she makes her way through her tragic tale. Her brother dies, on a train headed to foster parents. Her brother is buried along the way and the when all is said and done, she finds a book. Clinging to any memory she can save she takes the book. This begins an epic story.
Even though the book is narrated by Death, it doesn’t have that grimly undertone that most books with death in it take. The book however doesn’t have the joyful tone. Also among the cast Rudy Stiener steps in to be a friend of Liesel. He is described as the boy who was always hungry and could never satisfy that thirst. Hans Hubermann in the beginning sets himself up to become really close to Liesel never judging her and always there for her. The cast is much greater than what is on the page.
I’m not sure why or what propelled me to pick this book, but I’m glad I did. This book did make me cry, with the build up to the characters and to fall. It also brings to life the could’ve been and the regrets. Zusak pulled stories he heard from his family and friends and really made the emotions come alive. I think he really brought Nazi Germany and the fear into the story.
The many relationships in the story really make this story what it is. This is also a common theme in many of his books. The Messenger is another one of Zusak’s masterpieces and has some similarity to this book.
When the book ended, I wished that it hadn’t ended that way. I don’t generally wish that about many books. I think this book makes you get emotionally attached to the book. And make you wish that the story hadn’t ended. Zusak has a way to make the reader continue the story in their heads.


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