The Hunger Games (Book Three; MOKINGJAY) by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games (Book Three; MOKINGJAY) by Suzanne Collins

December 5, 2010
By Opinionated GOLD, Brantford, Other
Opinionated GOLD, Brantford, Other
15 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Change what you can and accept what you cannot change.~<br /> ~If you love someone, let them free. If they come back, it&#039;s meant to be.~ <br /> ~Cease refusing to believe that in what you have created.~

Suzanne Collins, an amazing writer who knows how to lure into her books and make you never want to leave. She captures your full undying attention until the last word of the book. How does she do it?

I noticed a couple of aspects of Suzanne Collins writing such as how she describes with much clarity everything and all her character is feeling and what she is going throw. You get the full understanding of what is transpiring in her novel without getting lost. Example; Katniss goes throw many problems such as the hijack Peeta had suffered, her thoughts to this were;
“But we have been so consumed with saving Peeta, so tortured by having him in the Capitol’s hands, that the elation at having him back blinded us. If I’d had a private reunion with Peeta, he would have killed me. Now that he’s deranged.”

Suzanne has done a great job with Katniss’s surroundings and environment, she is in district 13 were she feels claustrophobic and without free space. Her detail and explanations in doing so are another gate way to Katniss’s world, were we may understand why she may feel that way. Two very good examples of this feeling;
“From the air, 13 looks about as cheerful as 12. The rubble isn’t smoking, the way the Capitol shows it on television, but there’s next to no life aboveground. In the seventy-five years since the Dark Days – when thirteen was said to have been obliterated in the war between the Capitol and the districts – almost all new construction had been beneath the earth’ s surface.”
“Underground. Which I hate. Like mines and tunnels and 13. Underground, where I dread dying, which is stupid because even if I die aboveground, the next thing they’ll do is bury me underground anyway.”

Another thing that the author does, I personally found mesmerizing was the way she was able to incorporate many different stories of such different lives into one book, such as the story of Finnick and Annie Odair.
This young couple, who had joined Katniss in the Quarter Quarrel, had lived hell, lost each other over and over to finally be wed and bear a child together at last. They end a tragic way but the mark they had left on the readers was incredible even though they were not always incorporated in the book.

She attempted to do something I notice that not many other authors would. Suzanne incorporates a great love story in this big mess of a war, as if it wasn’t enough. These two tales which could easily be seen in separate books are jumbled up in the most perfect way so that every act would affect everything romantic as well as everything in the war making the book a must read novel. A good example of this is;
“Today I might lose both of them. I try to imagine a world where both Gale’s and Peeta’s voices have ceased. Hands stilled. Eyes unblinking. I’m standing over their bodies, having a last look, leaving the room where they lie. But when I open the door to step out into the world, there’s only a tremendous void. A pale gray nothingness that is all my future holds.”

And last but not least, Suzanne Collins separated the book in three different parts. I don’t believe that it is that big of an aspect but it is something that captured the attention as each end of the three parts, a dramatic and unexpected event would happen and tempt us to keep reading. These three parts were;

And so after having read such a great series of books, it has certainly left its mark on me as it was an excitingly exhilarating and unforgettable series. The hunger games a must read trilogy.

The author's comments:
This was a part of my I.R.S in english class. How did the author capture the attention of the readers? Give me five examples.


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