Silence Screams the Loudest | Teen Ink

Silence Screams the Loudest

September 10, 2011
By Jade_Nite PLATINUM, Arnold, Missouri
Jade_Nite PLATINUM, Arnold, Missouri
27 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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I know there are alot of fish in the sea but the sea is polluted!

listen to the silence
for silence screams the most
silence is the end
an after thought
a ghost
I listen to the silence
the silence in my head
my futures gone to nothing
my thoughts have gone to dead
for silence screams the loudest
a silent plea
a silent cry
silence screams the loudest...
when its time to say goodbye

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on Jul. 22 2012 at 1:03 am
OliviaRosaline SILVER, Arnold, Missouri
8 articles 11 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you always watch the demons behind you, you will never see the angels ahead." - Unknown

I love this.