My Mom | Teen Ink

My Mom

July 21, 2014
By AllThingsFlawless GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
AllThingsFlawless GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
10 articles 2 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;To gain your own voice, you have to forget about having it heard.&rdquo;<br /> &mdash;Allen Ginsberg, WD

Q: What is your name and age?
A: Ahunna and I am 47 years old.

Q: Where were you born?

A: Owerri, Nigeria

Q: How did you like Nigeria?

A: I loved it.

Q: How many siblings do you have?

A: I have 6 siblings. 2 brothers, 4 sisters.

Q: Your oldest daughter, Chidera, has autism, and I know that must be very hard for you. When did you start noticing the signs that something was wrong with her?

A: When she was 3, she wasn’t showing talking as much as should’ve been. You were 1, and you were babbling your mouth more than she was.

Q: How did you adjust to the fact that your daughter had autism and how did you feel at first?

A: I was very unhappy about it at first, but I had to accept it

Q: Did you have both parents?

A: My dad died in 1990, and mom is still alive. She will be 87 on the 28th of July.

Q: Wow, that’s amazing. You mentioned that your dad died, how did you feel when he died?

A: I was angry with the world. I was sad and depressed. I thought I would never laugh again.

Q: How long did it take for you to finally understand the fact that your dad was gone and wasn’t coming back?

A: It’s taken me forever. I still miss him.

Q: Almost everyone has tales about their high school experience, how was yours?

A: Awesome, just awesome. I went to a boarding school for 5 years and it was just awesome.

Q: Earlier, you said that you were born in Nigeria, why are you now here in America?

A: I came here to get better opportunities in life and to give my children better opportunities as well. They all say that America was the “Land of Opportunity”.

Q: Why did you choose to be a pharmacist?

A: [Shrugs] I just loved the profession. I loved helping people. It felt good when my patients began to recover. It felt nice contributing something positive to a human being.

Q: You recently graduated from the University of Florida for Pharmacy, congratulations! How was that whole experience for you?

A: It was hard work. Combining school, family, friends, work was not easy at all. But, I had to do what I had to do. So, I studied hard and got good grades.

Q: How did it feel once you finally graduated?

A: Oh my god, it felt like a whole burden was lifted off my shoulders. It felt so good.

Q: Do you have any advice you would give to anyone about life in general?

A: You have to live life to fullest. If you are in the position to help someone, help them. Aim for excellence and never settle for mediocrity. Never allow people to put you down, work hard, and trust God.

The author's comments:
I would love a chance to get an opportunity to interview a celebrity and ask the hard hitting questions.


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