Two Time State Girls Cross Country Winner | Teen Ink

Two Time State Girls Cross Country Winner

January 11, 2010
By AlexHusting SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
AlexHusting SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
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One year ago, 4k cross country runner, then junior Gabby, went to the state cross country meet in Wisconsin Rapids, not knowing what was expected, she ended up winning by seven seconds with no one around her. Then this year, she again won the state title.
“Last year winning state was mostly a surprise so when it happened I was just so excited and overwhelmed,” Gabby said.

The race this year was much closer. Even though Gabby improved her time by seven seconds, a student from Muskego was only about two seconds behind.

Although Gabby couldn’t run at all over the summer, due to an injury in track, she still made her way to the top through well timed out training from her Coach.

So what’s next for Gabby? She plans on running Footlocker, a regional meet, where she hopes to quality for nationals. But as for college, she plans to run at Duke.

“I have verbally committed to run at Duke next year (no scholarship). I'm really excited. They have a great distance program that really fits me well... and it’s warm there.” Gabby wrote in an online conversation.

When practicing, she wrote, “Danielle and Andie are always pushing each other in practice which definitely helps me and other people to keep working hard.“


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