Humans of Parsippany | Teen Ink

Humans of Parsippany

February 5, 2024
By NaishaS BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
NaishaS BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
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“I´m always fearing that I don´t want to lose anybody from my family, I just want everybody to stay with me forever. To understand kids and to make them understand. There is a difference between what a parent sees and a child. They know the past of anything, like w…what has happened with them, if that thing has happened them, they know the past. You don't know, you will never know, even a small mistake can ruin your whole life, if you're not thinking correct and you make any mistake, in a moment that can ruin your life. Kids, they just take parents for granted.  It's not scary it's just having kids is all about love, passion, possessiveness, to do all the right things for your kids, you want them to be happy. The thing that scares me is if my kids need me there, I should be there for them. I should be there for my kids“(Parsippany, NJ).


     Interviewed by: Naisha Singal


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