The Circle of Life | Teen Ink

The Circle of Life

August 20, 2013
By ClaireBearH PLATINUM, McLean, Virginia
ClaireBearH PLATINUM, McLean, Virginia
20 articles 6 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.<br /> Aristotle Onassis

Once upon a time there was a frog named Grumph. Grumph lived in a pond far, far away. The pond was very nice: it had many large lily pads that he liked to jump on. And the food was delicious! Every day, Grumph would hop out of his burrow and stand outside, waiting. SMACK! His tongue would dart out of his mouth and grab a large, juicy, delicious dragonfly. Crunch, crunch. Grumph was happy and full. But someone else wasn’t as happy. Not that far away, the mother of Zippy the dragonfly desperately searched for her son, hoping fervently he was still alive. With terror in her heart she desperately called for him. “Zipppy!!! Where are you??? Come home!!” But to no avail. Zippy was gone, digesting in the stomach of Grumph. But, life goes on. Grumph continued to live in his burrow near the pond until one day…Sid the slithering snake sneaked softly through the sea-green grass. He sees Grumph sitting outside the burrow. “Sssss” said Sid. “There’sss my sssnack!” A few desperate hops and splashes later, Grumph was lunch. But the victory of Sid the snake was short-lived. A crow, flying overhead, noticed the scuffle. Moving down lower, he observed the fight. Chuckling to himself, the crow swooped down and plucked up Sid. Soaring upward, the crow brought the squirming snake to his nest, where the baby crows made short work of him. All was quiet, as the baby birds and their crow parents settled down for a nap. BANG!!!!!!!!!!! A shot rang out, and mommy crow fell down, down, down to the bottom of the tree. A man and his son picked up their catch and walked away. A few minutes later, the birds came out to sing again, the frogs croaked on their lily pads in the pond, snakes slid softly through the grass, and the bugs buzzed in and out.


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